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The Quickest Way To Tune Your Strings… And Your Life

This may be perhaps the weirdest post I’ve ever written (and probably more to come in the future).

I can’t tell you why because that would spoil the good stuff I have to say. Just read, reflect and comment below.

The FASTEST Way To Tune Your Strings (And Keep Them In Tune!)

Last night I had just finished replacing all the strings on my classical guitar. Because I hadn’t replaced them in a while, I watched this video* by Allen Matthews, creator of Classical Guitar Shed (best, highest rated and most affordable way to learn classical guitar FAST) on how to restring my classical guitar. You can watch it below if you own a classical guitar or are curious how to change them (it’s WAY different than you think…)

How to Change Your Classical Guitar Strings video

*Note: These are NOT affiliate links, meaning I won’t receive a small commission if you click on them. These links only serve for resource purposes.

Anyways, in the middle of the video, Allen said to stretch each individual string because it helps them settle and stay in tune faster. I’ve stretched my strings on my acoustic guitar and classical guitar before… and let me say what a difference it made!!!

Here’s why. A few years ago, I would replace my strings without stretching them, like any guitarist would. Even though I welcomed the sound of new strings, they went whack! They fluctuated in and out of tune from 3 days to almost 2 weeks!!!

Okay maybe this depends on the type of guitar, tuning pegheads or where you live. But for me I was tired of always retuning my strings every time I played my guitar (and by “way out of tune”, I mean like when the B-string is 2-4 half-steps below its actual pitch).

However, after watching this video and trying it out, I noticed something: my strings regained their normal tuning (they didn’t go whack!) in less than 5 days.

What did this mean for me? I can keep on playing/practicing any classical song (or other stuff on my acoustic guitar) without dramatically retuning my strings. So of course I was happy, have kept to this practice for almost two years now and dubbed it the best way to quickly tune any guitar strings.

Then it hit me: the stretching method is best because it’s the best way to grow in our relationship with God.

Let God’s stretching tune you faster…so you will be perfect and complete in Christ.

Why You Need Your Strings Stretched

Isn’t this right? Aren’t we always out of tune? When we demand God we have our own way and not let Him stretch us, don’t we keep experiencing the same trials over and over again, slowing down our growth and depth to intimately know Him?

So why, if we’re not patient enough, should we tune our “strings” on our own than if we just embraced the pain and let God’s stretching tune us faster?

I’ll tell you why-and you’re not gonna like the answer: Pain and Patience.


I mean, that’s what James in James 1:2-4 says: “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.”

It’s the testing of our faith-the painful stretching of our strings-that lets our faith be perfect and complete.

It’s the patience of our faith-the endurance of having our strings stretched-that lets our faith be perfect and complete.

And it’s by our testing and patience of our faith that we are able to have joy. Why? Because it’s how we will be perfect and complete in Christ, not lacking anything.

Where you want to be in your relationship with God in 5 years depends on how patient, joyful and enduring you are in your trials right now. If you’re impatient and want to do things on your own, chances are you won’t be where you want to be spiritually 5 years from now.

Now I’m not saying that God can’t grow people’s faith in Him when they become impatient. Obviously the way God works in their lives varies from person to person. However, what I am saying here is that as long as we have knowledge, choose to be patient, enduring and joyful when God test your faith through trials.

I bet you’re probably thinking That’s too hard! or It’s impossible! How am I supposed to be patient, enduring and worst of all joyful when trials come?! Don’t get me wrong; Your questions and feelings are valid.

But Jesus didn’t promise a pain-free, heaven-glorious, happily-ever-after life. In fact, He said, “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it” (Matthew 7:13-14).

There is good news here: when you walk the narrow road, there is a reward; God will give you the “crown of life” (James 1:12). You will live forever with Him in heaven, where no more pain, trials, heartache or tears (Revelation 21:4).

Imagine that!

Time To Get Stretched!

I know no one wants to do life on their own. No one can grow to their highest height, accomplish their wildest dreams or reach their full potential without someone’s help. Someone else has to nurture you, to teach you, and more often than not, push you to grow.

This is when God steps on the scene. Embrace the trials you’re in or will soon be facing so you can grow faster and cultivate a deeper relationship with Him. God is there to help you. As James says, the end result is worth it.

So stop right now, confess any committed sin or how you rebelled against Him, and pray for patience, His wisdom, understanding and spirit of joy. Then surround yourself with other Christians for accountability, fellowship and encouragement. Keep seeking God and you will emerge with a deeper love for God.

Go get your strings stretched!

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One response to “The Quickest Way To Tune Your Strings… And Your Life”

  1. AWESOME!!! Learned something new about stretching!!!


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